R-TOOLS MAXX is a no-charge, on-line simulation software that allows users to model the optimum air or liquid cooled heat sink solution tailored to your project requirements. R-TOOLS MAXX generates a simulation of the most efficient heat sink model, and the simulation results aid in reducing design time and increasing the reliability of the finished heat sink product, all before the first prototype is even built.
Users can enter the boundary conditions, heat source details, and their choice of flow conditions. For air-cooling, R-TOOLS MAXX will suggest the best-fit Mersen heat sink from the standard list of baseplate and fins in our swaged, mechanically bonded fin, product line. R-TOOLS MAXX will then run the simulations based on the information entered. The software simulation engine outputs an air or liquid-cooled heat sink design report along with 3D visualization. The software simulation results aid in reducing design time with its newly streamlined approach and the ability to make on-the-fly changes to your conditions.